2023-24 Board Officers

(Please email PTGBCmail@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the board. Position descriptions below.)

Co-Presidents - Dee Crownover and Kathy Gaines

Co-Vice Presidents - Sue Ann Savas and Nicole Campbell-Thompson

Treasurer - Gaston Martinez

Corresponding Secretary - Torey Madura

Recording Secretary - Lesley Farrell

Members at Large - Alexia Andoni, Jeff Hannah, Veronica Hannah, Bill Rohrer, and Jill Rohrer


Committee Chairs

(We need your help filling vacancies! Please email PTGBCmail@gmail.com if you are interested.)

Ad Sales Coordinators - Aaron Burman

Alumni Email List Manager - Charles Roth

Banquet Coordinator - Dee Crownover

Corporate Sponsor Manager - Vacant

Flower Sales Coordinator - Atleen Kaur

Assistant Flower Sales Coordinators - Jane Broglio

Fundraising Coordinator - Vacant

House Manager - Kathy Gaines

Assistant House Manager - Kevin Morgan

House Team Leader - Maureen Hamilton

Jobs/Volunteer Coordinator - Carolyn Hill

Lucky Stars - Sue McCreadie

Marketing Manager - Andrea Ribick

Photographers - Sean Carter

Show Concessions Manager - Carly Groves

Assistant Show Concessions Manager - Open

Tech Week Meal Coordinators - Dee Crownover and Jillian Wolfe

Assistant Tech Week Meal Coordinators - Sue Ann Savas, Christopher Wolfe, Open

Videographer - Amnon Steiner

Website Managers - Will Wright


Position Descriptions

This list of descriptions includes both the elected positions as well the positions for which we still need volunteers!

The President is familiar with the mission and bylaws of the PTG Booster Club and creates an atmosphere where the board members and officials can carry out their duties efficiently to serve the needs of the PTG.  The president leads all official booster club meetings, including board meetings and parent meetings, setting the agenda and carrying it out. The President has the ability to assist the treasurer with carrying out their duties. In addition, the president seeks out the needs or barriers to success of members carrying out their duties, provides support and assistance, and may serve in an advisory capacity to all board members and elected officials.

Vice President
Assist the President in all of the President's duties -- may be chosen to serve as President the following year. The Vice President may lead certain subcommittees of the board and carry out other leadership activities, as designated by the President.

The Treasurer's role involves a bit of banking, tracking deposits from concessions, donations, dues and ad sales, writing checks for food and reimbursement, reconciling monthly credit card and bank statements, some data entry into Quick Books and running reports for board meetings. It does take a bit of time every month and some extra time just before and after shows. Training is available!

Corresponding Secretary
Create and maintain email lists that allow the Booster Club to communicate with the parents of PTG members.  The Corresponding Secretary is also responsible for the bulk of communication with PTG parents, and works closely with the Mysti and Jayme to assure that the Booster Club has accurate email lists.

Recording Secretary
Take detailed notes at each meeting, then type up the meeting minutes for approval by the board and disburse.

Fundraising Manager
Develop and run fundraising efforts, with a majority of it being program ad sales. Write yearly grant requests to established sources and any new sources that become available. Coordinate fundraising opportunities with PTSO Thrift Shop and corporate sponsors.

Ad Sales Coordinator
PTG produces a program for each show (excluding student productions), which is given out at each performance. Booster Club parents/guardians sell advertising space to local businesses in these programs or place their own personal ad. Prices and sizes of advertisements are determined by the Booster Club Board. The Ad Sales coordinator manages the activities by updating the ad purchase contract, providing sales leads to parents, receiving and logging completed contracts, payments, and tracking overall sales. You interact and coordinate with the student in charge of designing and producing the program.

Typically a majority of Ads are sold in the fall with a few additions for Future Stars, the winter drama and the spring show. Changes to the program are handled by the student in charge of design, but you will need to review the program before it goes to the printers. Some knowledge of publishing software is useful but not necessary.

Alumni Email List Manager
Work with Database Developer to update the contact list each year to include alumni.

Banquet Coordinator
Host the year-end PTG banquet for the students. Work with Volunteer Coordinator to create SignUp Genius for food and volunteer spots. Chair the banquet committee.

Corporate Sponsor Manager
Be creative in initiating new ways to acquire corporate sponsors.

Flower Sales Coordinator
Responsible for the flower stand inventory and flowers for PTG shows. Manage, train, or assign tasks to volunteers during shows. Assist in set-up, selling flowers, collecting money, and wrapping flowers for customers. Purchase supplies if needed such as tissue paper and ribbon including flowers for events which will be reimbursed by PTGBC.

House Manager
Responsible for front of house setup / clean up before and after each show, and for training and supervising parent volunteers in the Box Office, Will Call, and Ushers.

Jobs / Volunteer Coordinator
Set up and manage SignupGenius parent volunteer job and snack food lists. Work with House Manager, Tech Food Coordinators and Ad Coordinator to create the signup lists. Contact volunteers if changes are needed.

Lucky Stars
Acquire list of donors from Jayme and write/send them thank-you cards.

Marketing Manager
Send out press release to various news outlets and follow up to secure radio interviews, articles, etc. Add our shows to various online listings and work with Pioneer office to get shows promoted. Coordinate putting up sign at Jack's Hardware. Give links to website manager and student marketing manager to post on our website and on their social media.

Show Concessions Manager
Plan and purchase snacks and beverages for each PTG show. (You will be quickly reimbursed for all purchases.) Organize volunteers to ensure that all shifts are covered, both before the show and during intermission. Maintain a simple spreadsheet to track inventory and determine amount of revenue.

Tech Week Meal Coordinator
Plan and coordinate the ordering, set-up, serving and clean-up of meals for the cast and crew during Tech Week. In addition, oversee the snack table process, including set-up, food donations, serving, and clean-up. Work with the caterers, parent volunteers, assistant meal coordinators and jobs/volunteer coordinator.

Website Manager
Maintain the Booster Club website by updating before/after each show with parent, dues, ads, and volunteer information. Assist with PTG website by directing webmaster Ciara to upload new photos, press releases, news articles, ticket info, etc.


Click on the links below to view our bylaws.
